Baltimore Bids Farewell to Summer with Umphrey’s McGee’s Unforgettable Performance

Liz Pappas
September 6, 2024

Baltimore Bids Farewell to Summer with Umphrey’s McGee’s Unforgettable Performance

Liz Pappas
September 6, 2024

Umphrey's McGee's August 29, 2024 performance at Pier Six Pavilion in Baltimore was an incredible display of true musicianship, virtuosity, and spontaneity. The genre-blurring jam-band immediately catapulted into high-energy jams that had the crowd buzzing from the start.

Opening the night, Stolen Gin warmed up the crowd with a vibrant set and pulled the crowd in with their funk grooves and infectious energy. As the sun began to sink into the harbor, Eggy took the stage. Returning to Baltimore for the second time this summer, having just recently performed at the Hot August Music Festival,  the four-piece band astounded Balmoreans yet again. Their laid-back, soulful jams pulled in stragglers from the street who enthusiastically joined the already eager crowd. During their performance, Eggy welcomed Brendan Bayliss onstage to join them for a surprise cover of The Beatles’ “I Am The Walrus.” The crowd chanted “Eggman” through chuckles as hips shook and fists pumped. Eggy was sure to preview a few songs from their new album, The Waiting Game, which just dropped this morning. (You can find the album embedded below or click on here)

For the main act, the one we had all been waiting hours to see as storm clouds loomed - Umphrey's McGee hit the stage with the energy and stage presence that we have all come to expect and gloriously and gleefully embrace.  There was not only storms brewing around Baltimore but the whipping winds of heartfelt UmphLove whipping us into glorious delight! mm/

Kicking off the night with “Goonville,” the legendary group didn’t hold back. Guitarists Brendan Bayliss and Jake Cinninger’s chemistry proved to be electric as the groove-laden jam ricocheted back and forth, creating a sonic convulsion that would only deepen as the night went on.

Brendan Bayliss

Brendan Bayliss

Without hesitation, they barrelled into "Maybe Someday", "Dump City", and "Intentions Clear" while the audience roared in approval. Kris Myers’ powerful drumming laid a rock-solid foundation, while Ryan Stasik’s deep bass lines ensured a tight groove. Joel Cummins’ vocals floated effortlessly over his keyboard melodies, crafting a dreamlike aura as Andy Farag blended power and precision on his plethora of percussion instruments.

Umphrey's McGee

The band’s dynamic range allowed them to push the genre envelope time and again, taking us into unexpected musical directions. With rock solid syncopation, the legends left space for improvisation to unfold organically. It became abundantly clear why Umphrey’s McGee is considered one of the all time greats: their range is unmatched. Their ability to blend seemingly opposing sounds as if they were always intended to be conjoined was truly astounding. They weaved in and out of rock, reggae, metal, and psychedelic electronica with ease.

Ryan Stasik of Umphrey's McGee

Ryan Stasik

It’s impossible to pinpoint a “fan-favorite” in the setlist (see setlist below) because each song resonated intensely as if inviting the crowd to lose themselves in the undeniably delicious vibe. The energy crescendoed as the band launched into a dizzying stratosphere of intricate fusions and multi-layered concoctions.

"The Fussy Dutchman" underscored Umphrey’s McGee’s instrumental skill, dynamic stage presence, and bold musical shifts. Their grand finale, "Pay the Snucka," captivated the audience with its unscripted genius, leaving all of Pier Six in awe of the band's unmatched ability to dominate diverse musical landscapes.

Joel Cummins

Joel Cummins

After an overwhelmingly insistent call for an encore, the band returned with “Much Obliged,” a funky number that, much to the crowd’s delight, evolved into a sprawling jam. They followed up with “Den,” which emphasized their progressive rock chops.

The final song of the night, a mind-blowing cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir,” ramped up the intensity more than anyone thought possible. Upon hearing the first iconic notes, the audience erupted into a feverish delirium. Umphrey’s McGee’s take on the Zeppelin classic was both a tribute and an expansion, adding their signature progressive flair to the epic rock anthem, making it a fitting climax.

Umphrey's McGee

With a fearless approach to genre-bending and intoxicating improvisation, Umphrey's McGee’s Pier Six Pavilion set confirmed their status as one of the most innovative and exciting acts on the live music circuit. While we tried, the magnitude of their talent truly cannot be understood through words or even live recordings; next time Umphrey's McGee comes to town, you simply MUST go.




Click here to see the setlist for Umphrey's McGee's performance at Pier Six Pavilion

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Umphrey's McGee





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Umphrey's McGee


Stolen Gin

Additional Resources



To learn more about Umphrey's McGee, please see the following web resources:

To learn more about Eggy, please see the following web resources:

To learn more about Stolen Gin, please see the following web resources:

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About the author

Liz Pappas

Liz Pappas, more commonly known as Barley Moon, is a live music photographer living in Baltimore. When introduced to the wildly talented local music scene in 2022, she immediately grew a deep passion for promoting Baltimore bands. Since finding her passion for photography, she has joined media teams for festivals such as DelFest, Charm City Bluegrass, and Hot August Music Festival. While she loves knocking elbows in the pit, on any given night, you can find her making her local bands sparkle at Fed Hill's most popular venue, The 8x10.

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