Jason Herman
June 23, 2022

We are still basking in the afterglow of DelFest '14 held over Memorial Day Weekend just a few short weeks ...

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Will Urquhart
January 1, 2022

Prep your fireplaces and start the new year off right with Gordon Sterling and the People tonight at ...

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Will Urquhart
November 18, 2021

Tune in tonight at 8:00 PM for a free webcast of Gordon Sterling and the People and Moogatu ...

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Will Urquhart
July 9, 2021

Gordon Sterling and the People have their first indoor, full capacity concert tonight at Pearl Street Warehouse on ...

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Will Urquhart
June 25, 2021

Live music is coming back with a vengeance and we could not be more excited to get back ...

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Will Urquhart
October 18, 2020

​We are back with The U-Liners for another porch concert!​You can tune in live via the DC Music ...

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