Contributing author and photographer: Mark Raker.

Elliott Peck’s debut solo album, Further From The Storm, is a beautiful personal tale told through her music. Her album releases today, October 19, across the United States. Peck is backed by a powerhouse band including: bassist David Hayes, guitarist James Deprato, drummer Kevin Hayes, pedal steel guitarist Dan Lebowitz, keyboardist Patrick Warren, and organist Jason Crosby. Even with this all-star cast, Peck truly shines as an artist.
Elliott has been fortunate to have a lot of talented musical influences in her life, and she has used that to develop her own appealing form. “Phil Lesh has always pushed me to think outside the box,” says Peck. “I’ve adopted his policy of trying to keep things surprising, keep them interesting, keep them weird. There’s comfort in writing a song and being done with it, but I’ve learned from Phil not to be afraid to go back and rethink things and experiment with different sounds and progressions.”
The second track of her album, 'Silver and Gold,' merges country vocals with a Tom Petty-like sound. In one of the lines of the chorus, “You can buy it with silver, buy it with gold, doesn't mean its yours, just means it's been sold,” Peck is stating that we never truly own anything in this world, and to truly respect what we have.
One of the songs that truly showcases Peck's prowess as a vocalist is 'One of Those Days.' This is a deeply personal track written by Elliott about staying strong on those long days that never seem to end even when the people surrounding you are also struggling with negativity. You can hear how deeply she feels about this subject coming through the powerful dejection in her voice.
Peck also pays tribute to Lucinda William's wit in a cover of 'I Lost it.' Her unique vocals bring a new tone to this classic tune while still staying true to form.

Elliot Peck
Further From The Storm
Released: 2018
Track Listing:
1. River's Path
2. Silver & Gold
3. One Of These Days
4. Highway Song
5. Out Sailing
6. Good For You I Guess
7. Leave Me By The Sea
8. Hard Lines
9. I Lost It
10. Another Life Ago
11. Give It Away
Elliott Peck is not new to the DC music scene and you can catch her at Gypsy Sally’s with her band Midnight North on December 15, 2018. Be on the look out for more from this dynamic artist.
Midnight North Performance Details
Performance Details
Saturday, Dec 15, 2018
Doors: 7:00PM
Show: 8:30PM
$15 - In Advance
$18 - Day of Performance