Warren Haynes is one of my favorite guitarists ever, he has been a part of so many projects and has played with so many artists across the globe. His unique blend of blues, soul and badass rock and roll is the best around. Here at the beach in Maryland and Delaware, we do not often get these types of bands around here; it brings out the heads and good people always. Having Haynes and his band Gov’t Mule play a stones throw away from my house was such a special treat for a random weekday in July at the Freeman Stage in Delaware! [Ed Note - Gov't Mule performed on July 28.]

Warren Haynes powers through the rain!
The whole day and week the forecast was for rain and possible thunderstorms for Wednesday night when Gov't Mule was supposed to play. I was concerned the show was not going to happen, but luckily it held off enough so that the show could go on! After a rain delay just after the first few songs of the first set, Warren and the gang came back with a fire for a marathon second set lasting past the venue’s curfew which was lifted for almost a two-hour barn burner. Having rain at shows sometimes makes it better I have always felt and this was no different.
Going from song to song and through their own brilliant material, Warren and Mule went through an amazing cover of his former band in The Allman Brothers’ “Soulshine” and later on a “St Stephen” jam in the rain and fog and an amazing end with “Tomorrow Never Knows” by The Beatles. Gov’t Mule is a band that really has such a variety in their own catalog that stretches genres and sounds and branches out from their own sound alike. They have done such an excellent job of keeping the music of their influences and have notched a group of musicians and soul like no other in the music world today and have for many years. Mule is a band I will always see and have such a great time attending, especially when it is with lots of friends in my backyard!
After you finish reading this article goto Twitter and search for the hashtag: #wheremymule
Click here to see the setlist for Govt Mule's performance at The Freeman Stage in Selbyville, Delaware on July 25, 2018
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