On Saturday, March 25, infectious band Hello Mary lit the stage on fire during their first headlining show in Washington, D.C. Emmitting echoes of 90s and 2000s rock, the band brings their own twist to the genre, creating a unique and modern style within the new age of music. Incorporating intoxicating guitar rifts and heart-thumping beats, Hello Mary shook fans to their core with every song.

Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, Hello Mary’s roots are far from lost within their sound. The three-piece rock band is comprised of guitarist and vocalist Helena Straight, drummer and vocalist Stella Wave, and bassist Mikaela Oppenheimer. Together, the musical masterminds have created an insatiable sound, ready to dominate the modern scene.

Helena Straight
Performing at Songbyrd Music House, the band’s angelic voices entranced the crowd, with fans barely blinking during the entire set. Revving up the crowd with the onset of Stinge, listeners were promptly transported back decades when grunge first arose. Tremendous roars from the crowd erupted throughout the night as each song commenced. Next, Looking Right Into The Sun rang out, with fans nodding align to every note. Bodies subconsciously swayed and stomps slammed the floor as Hello Mary electrified the stage.
“Thank you all for being here, it means so much,” said Wave during their set. “Our first headlining show in DC.” Claps and cheers bounced from wall to wall, filling the venue with immense vitality.

Their self-titled album Hello Mary stole the show, with features of Rabbit, Spiral, and Evicted. Right before playingComfort drummer wave cracked her knuckles, giving fans a slight taste of the thrill they would endure. Thrashing the drums, Wave threw her head back and forth evoking shrills from the crowd. Simultaneously, Straight and Oppenheimer chimed in, ferociously shredding while waltzing around the stage. Each strum provoked more and more screams from fans as they spit lyrics back to the band.

Mikaela Oppenheimer
During Spiral Hello Mary’s tender friendship was apparent, with Straight kissing Wave’s forehead mid-song and later resting their heads atop one another. Throughout almost every song, each member unveiled radiant smiles amongst each other and the audience. The flow between the trio is unmatched, with band members seeming to telepathically communicate as they exchanged silent looks and nods.

Showcasing a plethora of sounds, the band would teeter between mellow and rip-roaring anthems. Sink In embodies a perfect example of that, going from high highs to low lows. This single binds echoes of both 90s bands, The Cranberries and Smashing Pumpkins, with exchanges of long-held notes and heart-wrenching guitar solos. Straight practically murdered her instrument as the song came to a close, portraying one of the most passion-ridden melodies.

Stella Wave
Finishing up, Ginger struck the ears of eagerly waiting listeners, heads thrashing around unceasingly. Even a small pit broke out to the right of the stage, with arms and legs flying left and right. Music coursed through fans' veins, moving intuitively with every lyric. Hello Mary had prompted an unstoppable wave of adoration for modern indie rock, distinctly apparent with one glimpse inside the venue.
Before the onset of Hello Mary’s set, openers Flowers For The Dead and BRNDA warmed up the stage with their own editions of modern rock. Local to the area, Flowers For The Dead is a DC-based rock project of guitarist and vocalist Suzanne Szegö. Much like Hello Mary, their sound draws on 90s grunge. The guitarist in the band made an everlasting impression on fans, pumping his heart and soul into each and every chord.
BRNDA, another DC local band, roused the crowd during their entire set, emitting sounds of funky and psychedelic rock. Each member took their turn igniting the crowd with their unique voice and lyrics. One of the guitarists hopped around the stage while singing and later took over the drums so another could do the same. The band ended their set with a bang, as the drummer, who was playing the tambourine, took off a symbol of the drum and started playing them together.
Overall this Saturday night at Songbyrd was an extraordinary profusion of talent. If you missed this show, be sure to catch the next one. It will undoubtedly be a night you will never forget.
Click here to see the setlist for Hello Mary's performance at Songbyrd on March 25, 2023
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