Here at DC Music Review, we understand that news and the music landscape as we know it is moving rapidly - more rapidly than we can track at times.
First and foremost, we love music, we mean we REALLY LOVE MUSIC. We are a group of dedicated journalists who love bringing music to you. Many of us on the staff of DCMR are life long residents of the DMV while others are new to the city, but we have embraced the music scene here with a vigorous embrace, and we have been so grateful that the community has embraced us back.
But like you, we are just real people and an active member of the community with you. We are taking the necessary precautions like everyone and encourage you to follow the guidelines put out by the CDC.
But we want to highlight the fact that just because venues and bands are taking the necessary precautions, it does not mean that the music also end with it.
Music doesn’t end - it has been around since the dawn of humanity when we heard the music of birds in the trees and the sounds of nature all around us. Humans started putting sticks together in rhythm and beating on animal skins collectively.
For anyone who reads DC Music Review, you know that our love of music doesn’t die - because it vibrates in every fiber of our soul. A magical smile enters our spirit when we see live music, and we love it all - the lights, the sound, seeing our friends, sharing magical moments, absorbing the energy of the collective crowd, the energy as the music can be felt resonating against and inside our body. We love it all!
We all know that music goes beyond live music. To that end, you may see some changes in content in the coming days. We will focus on the music that is still being produced by gifted artists and performers. We have some amazing interviews, album reviews, and even book reviews. We also have also been fortunate and priviledged enough to record a wide breadth of webcasts to watch as local and national artists. We have nearly 1000 articles for you to read and enjoy. We were going to make a gleeful announcment once we hit 1000, but why wait.
We are going to start working with some bands to figure things out and the best way forward for everyone. Just know that we will try to always bring you music to vibrate every muscle fiber in your musical soul.
Music shall endure and the feelings they provide us will always bring a smile to our face and every other aspect of our life.

In the spirit of celebrating our community, please look no further than celebrating the music of so many of our gifted local musicians. We give a great deal of thanks to DCist for assembling this Spotify playlist of all the local artists who were nominated for a 2020 Wammie Award. While we know there are many other artists there, we just wanted to provide this to you while we work on more ideas. In times like these we share the extreme gratitude for everyone who has made, and continues to make our lives so complete.