Learn More About Hearing Loss & Earplugs

DC Music Review Staff
March 4, 2018

Did you know that listening to a concert at 100 decibels for only 15 minutes can start to cause hearing loss?

Did you know that many venues sound systems play at or in excess of 100 decibels?

Nothing matches the experience of seeing music live; the roar of the crowd, the lights, guitar solos, and that resonating bass and drum beats that vibrate your clothes and you feel penetrating your chest. 

Have you ever left a concert with your ears ringing afterwards? Do you have the annoying sensation of hearing a sound in your ears of ringing, buzzing, or hissing?

DC Music Review loves the sound of live music, but we take caution knowing that too much of a good thing can lead to permanent and irreversible hearing damage and loss. Not only can you have hearing loss but permanent ringing in your ear known as tinnitus.

At DC Music Review we take our music and our ears very seriously.

  • Some members of our staff actually have tinnitus from being too close to speakers for too long.
  • One member of our staff wryly joked "I don't even have ringing in my ears after loud shows anymore, that is probably a problem."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here is the Noise Exposure Limits for sound exposure per day.

Average Sound Exposure Levels Needed to Reach the  Maximum Allowable Daily Dose of 100%

Time to reach 100% noise dose

Exposure Level

8 hours

85 dB(A)

4 hours

88 dB(A)

2 hours

91  dB(A)

60 minutes

94 dB(A)

30 minutes

97 dB(A)

15 minutes

100 dB(A)

We LOVE music, but also realize that you can hear music without damaging yourself.

This is why we recommend Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs. We don't just recommend them, many on our team use them at each concert we go to!

What we love most about Eargasm is that not only reduces sound by 21 decibels but it DOES NOT distort the sound of the music. As a side benefit, you hear the music better AND the side conversations by "concert chompers" (a.k.a. Those who go to a concert to talk instead of listen to the music) are greatly reduced.

Gone are the days where you stuff foam marshmallows into your ear and experience a muffled music experience. With Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs you experience the concert exactly as the product's name implies - in high fidelity.

As a final appeal, although we do recommend Eargasm Earplugs from our own personal experience, you do not have to buy them. But we honestly appeal to you to protect your hearing!

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DC Music Review Staff

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