Spring has sprung in the District, and nobody knows that better than Sure Sure. A rambunctious Sunday night crowd filled DC9 on a balmy spring evening, and the Natty Boes were flowing. A chorus sang along to Africa by Toto, grinning from ear to ear as Sure Sure strode on stage and dove into their opening number.

Charlie Glick rocking a shoeless performance.
Comprised of Chris Beachy (keys, vocals), Charlie Glick (guitar, vocals), Kevin Farzad (drums), and Michael Coleman (bass, production), Sure Sure hails from sunny Los Angeles, where they live and write all of their music in a yellow house.
Kicking off their shoes (quite literally if you’re Charlie), the guys paired their infectious melodies with a down to earth charm, making you feel like just another one of their buds, stopping by on a lazy afternoon to jam.
The breezy set is interrupted by a quick dance tutorial. “Raise your arms,” instructs Charlie, who’s been grinning like he was a kid on Christmas morning all night long, “and now put your head down, and move side to side.”
It’s at this exact moment, when I’m surrounded by outstretched arms and giggles, that I realize that these four gents are going to make it big. To captivate an audience is no small feat, and on a Sunday night when all anyone wants to do is lay in bed and mourn the end of the weekend? Well, that’s nearly impossible.

But Sure Sure is confident (you thought I was going to say sure, didn’t you?) that their California vibes will lure you into groovin’ any day of the week. Hell, they already have four dedicated fans in the front, mouthing along to every song.
If you have the chance, get out to see these rays of sunshine before their earworms start playing on every radio station you tune to.
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Enjoy photos by our photographer Ana Medvedeva of It's Ana Photos.