Guest Contributor: Nathan Payne/Jester Graphics & Photography

As the sunset on a breezy April evening in Annapolis, Maryland, The Victor Wooten Trio greeted the crowd at Rams Head Onstage, and prepared to guide eager listeners on a “musical journey.” On April 4, the Five-time Grammy Award-winning bassist and composer was joined by the legendary Dennis Chambers (drummer) and Bob Franceschini (saxophone) for a night of unforgettable music.
The evening’s voyage twisted and turned through a world of jazz, rock, and funk, strolling through titles such as 'The Lesson,' 'My Life,' and 'Zenergy.' The group playfully touched on familiar tunes such as the Mission: Impossible theme song, The Pink Panther, and 'Amazing Grace,' which Victor dedicated to his mother-in-law who attended the show that evening. The three music titans have teamed up in a new album titled Trypnotyx, a colorful blend of light-groovy jams and soul-jarring, in-your-face funk. The Trio’s dynamics are truly stunning.
If you close your eyes while listening, it’s easy to forget the lack of guitar or keyboard rounding out the rhythm; their sound is just that deep. At the end of the night, Victor took time to thank the crowd and announced the sequel to his popular book, The Music Lesson, a spiritual search for growth through music written in 2006. He reminded us that music has the power to bring people together and wash away the things that separate us every day. He reminded us that there is always the possibility we can all come together to agree on at least one thing, music.
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Enjoy these photographs courtesy of Nathan Payne of Jester Graphics & Photography.