The Washington DC Metro Area is filled with National Treasures. Usually, these treasures are found by way of buildings, monuments, and artifacts. There is one National Treasure that stands out uniquely among them all - Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts. This venue is so much more than merely two performance venues; the Filene Center and The Barns. Wolf Trap is also a 117-acre national park and is the only national park dedicated to hosting performing arts.
This venue is more than just a local treasure filled with accolades and pedigrees. It is our hometown venue that shines brightest during the summer months and is enjoyed by everyone in our community. It is the venue that so many local children experience their first outdoor concert or witness a performance at Theatre-in-the-Woods. This is also the venue where so many see a movie accompanied by the music of a full orchestra. We cannot tell you how many times we have experienced a picnic upon its gentle green slopes and taken in a performance by world-class musicians or orchestras. Seeing a concert at Wolf Trap feels like a right of passage to many and an annual tradition to most.
Today, Wolf Trap announced that they have canceled their entire 2020 Summer Season. Like you, we will surely miss our summer pilgrimage to Vienna, VA, and take in the experience that is Wolf Trap. Wolf Trap has established the Music Moves Us Fund to help the venue during these difficult times, and we look to the 2021 Season when Wolf Trap celebrates their 50th Anniversary of the Filene Center.
Their announcment follows below.

For the first time in Wolf Trap's nearly 50-year history, our summer concert season will not come to fruition. Performances at the Filene Center and Children's Theatre-in-the-Woods, scheduled to take place from May through September, are cancelled due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic. The complete announcement can be found on the Wolf Trap website.
Wolf Trap is a beloved summer tradition, bringing artists and audiences together for memorable and meaningful performing arts experiences in a setting unlike any other. While concerts will not be taking place in the coming months, Wolf Trap Foundation continues to be an active resource for our community. We are planning new ways to keep you connected to the Barns and the Park via digital distribution of newly created content over the coming weeks and months. Wolf Trap Opera's summer residency program has been refashioned to honor our commitment to artistic training and professional development for the very best emerging talent in the field. And in keeping with our core belief that the arts play a vital role in the development of young lives, the Foundation's signature early childhood arts education programs continue to be valuable resources for teachers, parents, caregivers, and children in the DC metro area and beyond through digital and virtual platforms.
We deeply value the commitment you made to join us for a landmark season. You will receive an email later today with several options regarding tickets.
Many have asked how you can help support Wolf Trap Foundation during this time of need. We have been humbled and inspired by this question, and to that end, have created the Music Moves Us Fund to help mitigate the painful financial impact of the Summer 2020 season cancellation. We encourage you to consider turning your tickets into support for this fund. Your 100% tax-deductible donation will fuel groundbreaking education and community initiatives, promote next-generation artists, and sustain the Foundation's operations to ensure the future of music for all. You can also exchange your tickets for a Wolf Trap gift card towards future purchases, or you can ask for a refund.
Thank you for your good wishes and support. We look forward to welcoming you back to Wolf Trap together to enjoy live performances once it is permissible to gather together. We are especially excited to mark Wolf Trap's 50th Anniversary of the Filene Center in 2021, and we can't wait to celebrate with you.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Your friends at
Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts
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We hope you can reminisce and enjoy our coverage from past Wolf Trap performances.